My eBooks for Sale or for Free in Various Formats, Now at Smashwords and Where eBooks are Sold

I've been having trouble with my e-commerce system on my website for some time. Selling eBooks on my own website gave me the most profit per book since it had the lowest costs, and because all the retail sites insist that a book must have the same price in every place where it's sold. And I got the money right away.

Other sales outlets take more of the money and don't pay me for one to three months, but they have all the advantages for the reader. If you buy one of my eBooks at, you can download it as many times as you want, and in any format, and if I bring out a new edition of a book with better cover art and tighter editing, anyone who bought a previous edition can get the new edition for no extra charge, anytime. For these reasons, now that I've I published the regular release edition of Victory Or Extinction, my default sales site will be, not here on my own site. (Though of course my books will still be available at the websites of Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and every other major eBook retailer, but will be available there 2 to 14 days after they're at Smashwords)

I'm offering coupons for my books at to anyone who bought them from my own site, so they can download the latest editions for free if they want.  If you bought any books through this site and you want a newer version, write me at and I'll send you the coupon for it for free at Smashwords.

New Pricing Policy

After extensive research on eBook pricing, I've lowered my prices.
Blessings Of A Curse will still be free as promo. Any Pre-Release or Special Editions (none right now) will be $9.99. My newest book's regular release editions will be $5.99. All others will be $2.99.