Blog posts : "scifi"

I'm always amazed when this happens.

I am very grateful and amazed at the generosity of Jesper from Sweden, who donated $50.00 to my writing career.
Thank you Jesper. When I first started writing I did it only for my own enjoyment, and while is still enjoy it, I now do it more for those like you who really enjoy reading my books.

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I love my fan mail! Here's a couple more!

Wow!  This is awesome i love and thank god there is more. Truly one of the best sic-fi reads I have ever had. And the editorial work on this is amazing. love it love it and love it. Can not wait to read more. Thank you for sharing. Mechmanas.

Yes!!!  It continues!!!  I have read a couple of hours every night for the last week ,one of the finest
si-fi or any storie for that matter. This vision of your future is in a different
realm of most writers. I love this out look, it would be great to say we have
seen our future and it is great. THANK YOU

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It's all about the fan mail!

When I was a musician, it was all about the reaction of the crowd.  With writing, it's the fan mail.  It's what made me take writing seriously, it's why I decided to publish, it's what keeps me going as a writer when setbacks occur.  In an abstract way, I really love my fans.  So I've decided to share some of the fan letters I receive.   A lot of them come anonymously, and most don't want their info released, but I promise that all of them are genuine fan mail.

Hi Wayne

I have just finished reading “People of the Tiger” and “Hunters in The Sky” end to end and you have joined my most favoured authors list.

This is a fantastic story set in a wonderfully crafted world of social science fiction/fantasy. Once I started I found your books almost impossible to resist and to me that has to be one of the highest accolades a writers can receive.

I am awaiting the next instalment of ‘The Rational Future Series” with excited and selfish impatience, so don’t just sit there reading this “hurry up and get it written”


Awesome sci-fi!!!

Very well thought out! I love the complex plot that keeps you reading and reading and reading. I finished it in 3 days and am eager to read the next book.

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Posted to Scribd!

I've posted People Of the Tiger to, one of the biggest reading sites, with over 50 million visits a month.  I discovered it using, which is a great site that ranks all the websites by category and by how many visitors they get.  I'd have like to have listed my other books for sale on the Scribd Store, but while it's in beta only Americans can use it.  Hopefully it'll be out of beta soon.

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People Of The Tiger eBooks now FREE!!!

All eBook formats of People Of The Tiger are now available for free on my website!

That book and the sequel to it are available in two versions; with American measurements, and with Metric units!  You can get paperbacks and hardcovers of both books in The Rational Future Series at my webstore!  People Of The Tiger, and Hunters In The Sky!

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My newest novel has just been released!

 Hunters In The Sky, Book Two of The Rational Future Series, is now available!! I worked like an obsessed fanatic and wrote it (1108 pages in pocketbook size) in four months while working full time. In the last two weeks I've edited it, re-wrote and re-edited it's prequel, produced 4 new covers, produced 4 paperback formats, 4 hardcover formats, and 20 ebook formats, released them all on my website and my Lulu webstore, and re-produced my site and my webstore. Now to start marketing!

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6 blog posts